this is a full blown assault!

i will never ever tire of set your goals
despite the fact their new music sucks, to say the least.

Keaton Hensons work is so awesome, wish i could draw <3


Given up on this, knew it wouldn't last long,
sunbed and online shopping tonight I'm thinkinnng(L)

that is all i I have to say :|

a dd ic t i v e

This game is stupidly addictive, been playing it for like 45mins now, I suck at it though, but, the music is really relaxing;)

I don't really have much to say, back to college on Friday, ceeeebs!
Everything is sweet at the moment, just need a job over the summer that pays well and still gives me time to see my friends and boyfriend - that would be ideal

Decided to stop biting my nails, want nice pretty ones, and i wanna take more care over my appearance too, I don't enjoy looking messy 24/7:
note to self: i am SO pale compared to my Jimmy;(
I'm gunna go play some more online games now, peace out x


Now I'm afraid of open water, But I often bathe in sin
Let's be honest, you know you shouldn't bother,'Cuz with me, it's impossible to win


i totally

drove 70mph today, i'm loving driving loads <33

Friday 30/05/09

This was my Friday day,

This was my Friday night, perfect day all together ♥
note to self: don't buy shiny clear tights again haha, cringe


So, having a productive day really, moved all my stuff into my new room, its so very nearly done, looks like I'll be sleeping in here tonight(L)!
I'll probably do some revision in a while, but right now I am singing along to Paramore, I don't care what anyone says, they are awesome, although, the all we know is falling album is alot better that riot;)
Got my driving lesson at 4.30pm, driving terrifies me! D: But my instructor said I'm good, so I'll take his word for it lmao

I'm also loving crime in stereo at the moment, they are so so good, and I'm looking forward to the new syg album

l8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x I'm loving study leave!